[TMC49] The Machine Can

Today is a gift, Tomorrow is mystery, Yesterday is history.


Clan opérant sur les serveurs euro uniquement (euro serveur only) !

Conditions pour rejoindre le clan (conditions to join the clan) :

- Tier VI min
- 500 batailles min (500 battles min)
- Parle français ou anglais (speak french or english)
- Envoyez moi un message (Send me a message) : EidorianTMC

Notre objectif (our objectif) : Monter le bastion du clan et participez aux batailles sur la carte globale. Compétitions sur Faceit bientôt dispo.

Upgrade the bastion and participate to the battles on the global map. Championnship on Faceit avalaible soon.

Teamspeak en cours de projet ! Teamspeak in project !

A bientôt sur les champs de batailles ! See you soon on the battlefield !

Clan statistics

Number of members: 3

Ø Battles22539
Ø WN8518,55
Ø WinRate46,55%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
peterenglischLeft 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
kacper2112_heroLeft 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
valdes63021Left 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
runiglemonLeft 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
sniper_841Left 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
FetihGamingLeft 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
misterbanane1Left 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC
Baataraa_NaraaLeft 03/15/2025, 09:03 AM UTC