[TIVE] We are the end of many meanings

Be posiTIVE!


➤ Cześć! Zapraszam do Polsko/Angielskiego klanu gdzie szukamy osób chętnych do grania losówek i gier klanowych.

➤ Hello everyone, I would like to invite you to a newly created clan PL/ENG for random battles and clan games.

-Jesteśmy w fazie rozwoju i nie wymagamy od graczy niczego poza chęcią gry.
-We are in the development phase and we do not require anything from players other than the willingness to play.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 16

Ø Battles10727
Ø WN81039,85
Ø WinRate48,84%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
pawilon28234Left 02/22/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
MyczkovskyyLeft 02/22/2025, 06:14 AM UTC