[X-SCO] XScorpions

Un scorpion singuratic este inofensiv dar în grup devine letal!


Salutare Scorpions!!
Suntem un Clan nou infintat ce vrem sa creem o comunitate stabila si bazata pe respect reciproc.
Sunt bine veniti jucatori noi si veterani ce doresc sa crestem impreuna.
Va multumin pentru aplicatie si speram sa crestem impreuna.

Discord obligatoriu cât timp ești activ pe joc.
Bunul simț fără înjurături și fără măgării! In cazul de se vor jignii alti colegi de clan se va da kik fara avertizment!!!

Hello Scorpions!!
We are a newly founded Clan that wants to create a stable community based on mutual respect.
New players and veterans who want to grow together are welcome.
Thank you for the application and we hope to grow together.

Discord required while you are active on the game.
Common sense without swearing and without asses! In case of offending other members of the clan, they will be kicked without warning!!!

Clan statistics

Number of members: 2

Ø Battles76
Ø WN82113,73
Ø WinRate49,67%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate
AkeronGBLeft 02/22/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
alexutu_warriorLeft 02/20/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
ID_FLeft 02/19/2025, 09:08 PM UTC
NewValyLeft 02/18/2025, 06:41 AM UTC
SATRIX_SATRIX94Left 02/18/2025, 06:39 AM UTC
nicudinu05Left 02/18/2025, 06:31 AM UTC
Blue_PrepelixLeft 02/17/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
DxDMrAceLeft 02/17/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
DarkstormShadowXLeft 02/17/2025, 09:06 PM UTC
Popescu9619Joined02/17/2025, 03:48 PM UTC
adriancoloneluLeft 02/16/2025, 09:08 AM UTC
Maestrul_Betiv_ROLeft 02/15/2025, 05:40 PM UTC
SATRIX_SATRIX94Joined02/15/2025, 04:53 PM UTC
adriancoloneluJoined02/14/2025, 11:26 PM UTC
AkeronGBJoined02/14/2025, 07:12 PM UTC
Maestrul_Betiv_ROJoined02/09/2025, 08:23 AM UTC
alexutu_warriorJoined02/08/2025, 04:39 PM UTC
nicudinu05Joined02/06/2025, 08:32 PM UTC
Popescu9619Left 02/06/2025, 09:19 AM UTC
DxDMrAceJoined02/06/2025, 08:01 AM UTC
NewValyJoined02/05/2025, 10:20 PM UTC
Blue_PrepelixJoined02/05/2025, 10:01 PM UTC
DarkstormShadowXJoined02/05/2025, 10:01 PM UTC
ID_FJoined02/05/2025, 07:13 PM UTC
alex_chiritoiuLeft 02/05/2025, 08:57 AM UTC
itaygur03Left 02/05/2025, 02:19 AM UTC
ShieldBasherJoined01/30/2025, 10:16 PM UTC