[CARAS] Cardiac Arrest Squad

If your opponent is of choleric temper, irritate him. - Sun Tzu


We are a small clan (for now) focusing on having fun playing the game, our goals are to expand the number of members, teach people the ways of the glorious KV-2 and crush our opponents with the mighty 152mm.

Requirements for entering are: have an account on EU server, at least one tier 6 maxed out (skirmishes, in which we are new and under-experienced), not having one of course won't affect your chance of getting in but is only here as to be pointed out. The last and the most important requirement is: be sociable and good-willed, because we enjoy talking to (new) people, btw we have a Discord server (you'll get the link once you're in). We are not bothered by personal rating or win ratio as long as you are here to have fun. Clan wars is a debatable topic because we do not have enough people for now but no one knows what future holds for us.

Extra points to KV-2 lovers and drivers, you are automatically a part of our clan.

Contact us or send appllication, we look forward to it. :)

Clan statistics

Number of members: 9

Ø Battles14293
Ø WN81678,77
Ø WinRate53,03%

Clan members

Skirmishes statistics


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate