[BARF] Balkan Armored Forces

Who Dares Wins!


Klan je pretezno sastavljen od igraca sa prostora bivse Jugoslavije.
Ako smatrate da na bilo koji nacin mozete doprineti napredovanju klana uz dobru igru i druzenje-dobrodosli ste.
The clan is mostly made up of players from the former Yugoslavia.
If you believe in any way you can contribute to the progress of the clan with a good game and socializing-welcome you.

USLOVI za ulazak u klan/CONDITIONS for joining the clan:
1.18+ godina starosti/18+ years old
2.WN8 1000+
3.Aktivno ucestvovanje CW/Stronghold/Active participation CW / Stronghold.

Vredjanja na bilo kojoj osnovi nece biti tolerisana.
Insult on any basis will not be tolerated.

Clan statistics

Number of members: 2

Ø Battles17
Ø WN81523,03
Ø WinRate58,82%

Clan members

#Player name30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø WinRateBattlesLast battlePositionJoined
2_Don_Quixote_0,0000,00N/A0Junior officer

Skirmishes statistics

#Player name7D Battles30D Battles

Clan history

Player nameChangeDate