"For he who today sheds his blood with me shall be my brother"


BPO je sastavljen od igrača spremnih za druženje i igranje CW bitaka. Ako ste dobri, i tražite tim onda je ovo pravo mesto za vas. U ovaj klan možete biti primljeni bez obzira na godine, rasu, pol ili uverenja.
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BPO is composed of players willing to socialize and play CW battles. If you're good, and looking for a team then this is the place for you. You can be accepted no matter age, race, sex or beliefs.
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BPO traži nove aktivne članove! Uslov za ulazak u klan je da posedujete najmanje 2 tier-10 tenka, da budete aktivni i zainteresovani za učešće u CW's. TeamSpeek3 obavezan.
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BPO seeks new active members! The requirements to be accepted are to own at least 2 tier-10 tanks, to be active and interested in participating in CW's .TeamSpeek3 is mandatory.
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TS3 adrees:

Clan statistics

Number of members: 20

Ø Battles18766
Ø WN81217,56
Ø WinRate49,41%

Clan members


Clan history

Player nameChangeDate